Welcome Lazy Girls

August 02, 2018

Let me introduce myself. I'm Lazy girl...and i'm just like you.

We're the girls who cannot set just one alarm in the morning or else we'll snooze that shit till we accidentally hit stop & sleeping beauty slips into sleep paralysis...again. From one lazy girl to another, I'm here to help.

Despite being lazy af I have, over time, been able to develop a set of guides to success in getting your shit together. So, if you're sick of attempting to follow conventional bullshit guides like 'ToP 10 HaBitS of SucCesFul PeOple' then stick around because I'm sure as hell not gonna tell you to wake up at 5am every morning.

First thing you might be wondering is "How do I know if I'm a Lazy Girl?" Well, it's kinda obvious but here a bullet pointed list to make life hella easier.

The 15 signs that you're a Lazy Girl;

  • You skipped past after skim reading the first couple of sentences to this shiny bullet point list
  • You've got a shit tonne of ideas for life changing projects you're going to start but they never get further than an iPhone note
  • You're an over-thinker and you'll spend 95% thinking about the problem before you even begin to solve it
  • Sleeping is life, nothing in the world beats the feeling of staying in bed 30 mins longer
  • You work at 25-30% capacity at all times and you're happy with that because you get to chill the majority of the time
  • You have enough Pjs to fill a walk in wardrobe and you still buy a new set at least every season
  • You write a to do list and a MAX of one thing gets done on that list over the course of the next three days
  • You get invited out but keep your options open until the day in case you favour a night falling asleep on the sofa

If any of that sounds like you then come come along for this ride because we might just get some shit done.

xoxo Lazy Girl

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